Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sleeping in Boxes

            At school last night the main leader of the Marriage of the Arts DTS guy spoke to us about Garbage City, (in German with an English translator) and about how they lived over there. Kids would live in boxes, in the freezing cold, because they had nowhere else to stay. Not a home, not a blanket, not even matching shoes. He gave us a challenge, to sleep in boxes out in the cold too. It was exciting to set up my little fort outside, but as the night went on it got FREEZING. I barely slept a couple of hours, but when I looked up at the sky I saw the most beautiful and riveting thing, I saw millions and millions of shining stars dazzling the sky with their beauty. It was breath taking. I’ve never seen anything like it. Our God is so incredible and so much bigger then I could of ever imagined, and it pained and shook my heart to think that children actually did this every night, sleep in boxes. I could of ran to the castle any time of the night into the safety of my bed, but those kids in Garbage City didn’t have that same luxury.
            The thing is, back in the States I read so many stories about places like Garbage City, and I felt a pain in my heart. But the emotion that ran through the veins in my body while shivering in my box was so much stronger, so much more impactful. It became more then a story, more then a sad pain in my heart, it became reality. I know God is going to make so many more incredible changes in my heart, and influence it so much stronger then I could of ever imagined.
            God is certainly here with us in Herrnhut Germany, and He has certainly stirred up my heart on the first night. I am so excited to see what else He shows me and lets me experience, but know that I am thinking of you all every day and miss you immensely.

-Eleanor Wynne


  1. Gott im meine hertz! G_d in my heart! Awesome!

  2. Ahh it sounds like you are having an amazing time Ellie! Yeah the only google email account I have is Zoso's so I used his to follow your blog :) I love you lil sis!

