Thursday, March 15, 2012

Oh Romanians!

Hey home world! I just want to share something super neato God moment that happened with some of my students and I! Over the weekend we brainstormed things we have noticed about it, what is the heart of the city, what does the city lack, and how can we contribute to it? So we all broke in to groups that we felt God wanted us to be in, and I joined the homeless people group.            
We met first and prayed and asked God for His anointing and leading, and we felt Him leading us to go to the metro at Republique.  So we split into two groups and two of my students, Dallas, who spoke English and Spanish, and Leah, who spoke English and French, came with me to the town center in Republique. We didn’t even walk down one block before our eyes met with a homeless man sitting down on the corner of a shopping strip, he had a cute puppy sitting with him, and had a sign with something with French written on it and a jar with some loose change. Immediately I felt a pull to talk to him, so we all said Bonjour to him.
We quickly were met with a jumble of confusing words, he didn’t speak English, French or Spanish, he was actually from Romania and only spoke Romanian. But he had a huge smile on his face and was just chatting away about something in Romanian. I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to tell us what he was saying.
The Holy Spirit didn’t give me the interpreting gift, I was kind of disappointed. Then I looked over at Dallas, and he started translating the man! The man’s name was Oin, and every day at noon he prays to God. He was going on about how despite his circumstances of sleeping in the metro, and not having a place to live, he still praised God and had him in his heart. To confirm everything Dallas was interpreting, a man that spoke French speaking Romanian man came over and started explaining in French to Leah, and everything he said that Oin said was exactly what DALLAS said. Insane I know!
Oin asked us to come back the next day and pray with him and his friends at noon, we agreed. So the next day we went back to meet up with Oin. This time Oin had two other friends, the two other friends were Romanian but they spoke French, and we quickly found out they were Jehovah Witnesses. We soon realized that Oin was actually not what we thought he was, but that these two men came every day to pray with Oin and to convert him to be a Jehovah Witness. So we started chatting with the men in French.
They started asking us lots of questions, about if we ever been to other countries to preach the gospel, I said yes, and if we ever saw any miracles happen in Jesus name, and I said yes. Then they started pulling out Bible verses saying how Jesus wasn’t God, Leah just so happened to have a French bible and a English bible! So we started having a bible study right on the street corner with two Jehovah Witness’s. It was great! Just the past week we learned about the character and nature of God in lecture, and how God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit were one, so we had all these bible verses memorized.
At one point the men just got angry at us, they were pulling the bible frantically away trying to prove their points, I believe they thought we were just ignorant students. But we weren’t! Finally one man got frustrated, gave us back the Bible, told us we didn’t know anything about the bible or how to read it, but that he did, and that we were wasting his time. He asked us to look up on line what the word Jehovah meant, and I asked him to pray and ask God to reveal him truth. I believe God will reveal His truth to everyone who asks!

Prayer Points:
We are preparing for outreach to Cambodia and Vietnam. I’m co leading the team to Cambodia with my school leader Amber. We’re leaving in one month, I’m super excited! Just have lots of preparation to do.

Our team still need 7,700 euros to pay for outreach by tomorrow. Crazy amount to us, small amount to God! Just pray that God opens heaven on us and that He spares some pocket change.

Missing you all dearly!
God bless!
